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Custom AutoPlay Handler



Create a custom AutoPlay handler for starting a virus scan with Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender on Microsoft® Windows XP and newer versions of Windows NT when you insert a CD, DVD etc. or plug an USB storage device, an SD card etc. into your computer.

Note: the procedure shown here allows to implement arbitrary custom AutoPlay handlers.


Perform the following 4 (optionally 5) steps to implement the custom AutoPlay handler.
  1. Define the custom AutoPlay device event handler eSKamation.MSE.Scan with the following Registry entries:

    ; Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>
    ; NOTE: on Windows 8 and later versions replace 'Microsoft Security Client' with 'Windows Defender'!
    "Action"="Scan for Viruses and Malware"
    "DefaultIcon"="%ProgramFiles%\\Microsoft Security Client\\EPPManifest.dll,-100"
    ;"Provider"="Microsoft Security Client"
    "Provider"="@%ProgramFiles%\\Microsoft Security Client\\EPPManifest.dll,-1000"
    This definition refers to the Verb AutoPlay of the Programmatic Identifier Applications\WScript.exe.

    Note: see the MSDN article Using Registry String Redirection for the function of the last registry entry.

  2. Define the verb AutoPlay for the Programmatic Identifier Applications\WScript.exe and the associated command line "%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%SystemRoot%\Scripts\AutoPlay.vbs" "%L" %* with the following Registry entries:

    ; Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>
    ;@=expand:"\"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\WScript.exe\" \"%SystemRoot%\\Scripts\\AutoPlay.vbs\" \"%L\" %*"
    This command line is called when the user chooses to run the device event handler eSKamation.MSE.Scan defined in step 1.

    Note: upon invocation the standard placeholder %L is replaced with the drive letter.

  3. Save the following VBScript as file %SystemRoot%\Scripts\AutoPlay.vbs:

    Rem Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>
    Rem NOTE: on Windows 8 and later versions replace 'Microsoft Security Essentials' with 'Windows Defender'!
    Option Explicit
    If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Quit
    With WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)).Self
    	Dim objVerb
    	For Each objVerb In .Verbs
    		If InStr(1, objVerb.Name, " Microsoft Security Essentials...", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
    		End If
    	MsgBox "Microsoft Security Essentials can't be started on '" & .Name & "'!", vbCritical, WScript.ScriptName
    End With
    This VBScript searches the context menu of the drive, directory or file given as first and only argument for an entry containing Microsoft Security Essentials... and calls this entries’ verb if present.

    Note: create the directory %SystemRoot%\Scripts\ if it does not exist.

  4. Associate the device event handler eSKamation.MSE.Scan defined in step 1. with the following Registry entries to (some of) the standard device arrival events:

    ; Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>
  5. Optionally set the device event handler eSKamation.MSE.Scan defined in step 1. with the following Registry entries as default handler for its associated device arrival events:

    ; Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>


Insert a CD, DVD etc. or plug an USB storage device, an SD card etc. into your computer, then select the entry Scan for Viruses and Malware with Microsoft Security Essentials from the AutoPlay menu and confirm with OK.

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