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Me, myself & IT

Application Verifier Provider

Verifier stop codes and debug message texts
Example 0
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Background Information
Implementation and Build Details
Authenticity and Integrity
Automatic online installation
Manual offline installation


An Application Verifier Provider for Microsoft® Windows XP and newer versions of Windows NT is a DLL which accepts DLL_PROCESS_VERIFIER as reason in its _DllMainCRTStartup() routine and then returns the address of an initialised RTL_VERIFIER_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTOR structure to Windows’ module loader, specifying the names of DLLs and the names of entry points exported from these DLLs which Windows’ module loader shall redirect to alternative addresses.

Caveat: the call of the _DllMainCRTStartup() routine with DLL_PROCESS_VERIFIER as reason happens before the call(s) with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH as reason!
Caveat: Application Verifier Providers are loaded and initialised before the DLLs which implement the Win32 API; only the native API implemented by NTDLL.dll is available for them!

See A Debugging Approach to IFEO and A Debugging Approach to Application Verifier for more details.


The Application Verifier Provider VRFKNTHK.DLL is designed to discover some well-known and well-documented, but nevertheless (way too) common programmer’s beginner’s errors in Win32 applications and DLLs: CWE-426: Untrusted Search Path, CWE-427: Uncontrolled Search Path Element and CWE-428: Unquoted Search Path or Element listed in the CWE, as well as CAPEC-471: Search Order Hijacking listed in the CAPEC.

VRFKNTHK.DLL helps software developers, integrators, packagers and testers to detect and fix these bugs in their own Win32 applications and all DLLs they use.

Note: VRFKNTHK.DLL works independent from Microsoft’s Application Verifier!


Errors in the path handling of executable modules, especially in executable installers and self-extractors where such bugs are obviously industry standard, typically result in easy to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability and Exploit Detector and Executable Installers Considered Harmful provide information about the history of these bugs and (some of) the affected products.


VRFKNTHK.DLL hooks the Win32 functions (in alphabetical order) AddDllDirectory(), ChangeServiceConfigA() and ChangeServiceConfigW(), CreateProcessA() and CreateProcessW(), CreateProcessAsUserA() and CreateProcessAsUserW(), CreateProcessInternalA() and CreateProcessInternalW(), CreateProcessWithLogonW(), CreateProcessWithTokenW(), CreateServiceA() and CreateServiceW(), LoadLibraryA() and LoadLibraryW(), LoadLibraryExA() and LoadLibraryExW(), LoadModule(), LoadPackagedLibrary(), RealShellExecuteA() and RealShellExecuteW(), RealShellExecuteExA() and RealShellExecuteExW(), SearchPathA() and SearchPathW(), SetDefaultDllDirectories(), SetDllDirectoryA() and SetDllDirectoryW(), SetSearchPathMode(), SHCreateProcessAsUserW(), ShellExecuteA() and ShellExecuteW(), ShellExecuteExA() and ShellExecuteExW(), WinExec() plus WOWShellExecute(), exported from the DLLs AdvAPI32.dll, Kernel32.dll, KernelBase.dll, SecHost.dll and Shell32.dll, to log all calls of these Win32 functions with the values of their arguments, to check the values of (some of) the arguments and to call the native function RtlApplicationVerifierStop() to yield a verifier stop if one of the checks fails.

Caveat: due to a deficiency of Windows’ module loader, forwarded exports are not hooked!

Note: no checks are performed when the Win32 function LoadLibraryEx() is called with the flag LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE since the DLL’s _DllMainCRTStarup() routine is not called then.

Note: the checks performed for calls of the Win32 functions LoadLibrary*() don’t evaluate the known DLLs since these vary with Windows NT versions.

Note: the checks performed for calls of the Win32 functions LoadLibrary*() don’t evaluate the flags set by the Win32 function SetDefaultDllDirectories() since this Win32 function is not available on all versions of Windows NT.

Note: the checks performed for calls of the Win32 function LoadLibraryEx() don’t evaluate the flags to alter or restrict the search path since the optional update 2533623 as well as the security update MS12-081 alias 2758857 which introduced these flags are not available for all supported versions of Windows NT and may not be installed on every system for which they are available.

Note: the checks performed for calls of the Win32 function SearchPath() don’t evaluate the flags set by the Win32 function SetSearchPathMode() since the security update MS09-015 alias 959426 which introduced the latter Win32 function may not be installed on every system for which it is available.

For every Win32 application ‹filename›.‹extension› you want to test, create the following Registry entries:


; Copyright © 2011-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\‹filename›.‹extension›]

When ‹filename›.‹extension› is run under a debugger, each verifier stop prints a debug message and yields a breakpoint; if run without debugger, each verifier stop prints a debug message and continues.

The application or a component it uses called LoadLibrary*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the module to load.

	7C801B21 : LoadLibraryA
	768817D8 : RichEd20.dll
	76881DD8 : CRYPTUI.DLL+0x00001DD8
	76881D80 : CRYPTUI.DLL+0x00001D80
This verifier stop is continuable.
After debugging it use `go' to continue.
is a typical debug message printed from a verifier stop of VRFKNTHK.DLL.
The four parameters of these debug messages are:
  1. the full name of the called Win32 function,
  2. the offending pathname, filename, directoryname, applicationname or command line passed to the Win32 function,
  3. the caller of the Win32 function,
  4. the caller’s caller of the Win32 function;
    both callers are printed as modulename plus offset to help locating the culprit.
Note: use a utility program like Sysinternals DebugView or the Profile function of Dependency Walker to watch the debug messages without a debugger.

Verifier stop codes and debug message texts

The application or a component it uses called AddDllDirectory() without providing an absolute local pathname for the directory.
The application or a component it uses called ChangeServiceConfig() without providing an absolute local pathname for the service executable.
The application or a component it uses called CreateProcess*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the application to start.
The application or a component it uses called CreateProcessInternal() without providing an absolute local pathname for the application to start.
The application or a component it uses called CreateService() without providing an absolute local pathname for the service executable.
The application or a component it uses called LoadLibrary*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the module to load.
The application or a component it uses called LoadModule() without providing an absolute local pathname for the module to load.
The application or a component it uses called RealShellExecute*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the file to execute.
The application or a component it uses called SetDllDirectory() without providing an absolute local pathname.
The application or a component it uses called SHCreateProcessAsUserW() without providing an absolute local pathname for the file to execute.
The application or a component it uses called ShellExecute*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the file to execute.
The application or a component it uses called WinExec() without providing an absolute local pathname for the application to start.
The application or a component it uses called WOWShellExecute() without providing an absolute local pathname for the file to execute.
The application or a component it uses called AddDllDirectory() with the pathname of a not existing directory.
The application or a component it uses called SetDllDirectory() with the pathname of a not existing directory.
The application or a component it uses called …*() with the filename or pathname of a not existing file (which might be searched via PATH).
The application or a component it uses called CreateProcess*() without providing the pathname of the executable in the 'lpApplicationName' parameter.
The application or a component it uses called …*() without providing an absolute local pathname for the working directory.
The application or a component it uses called …*() with the filename or pathname of a not existing working directory.
The application or a component it uses called SetSearchPathMode() to disable 'safe process search mode'.


The bogus DLLs placed in the application directory %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\ of the example programs to demonstrate their vulnerabilities act as transparent proxies to the DLLs in Windows’ system directory %SystemRoot%\System32\: they export all symbols and ordinals of the corresponding original DLL ‹filename›.DLL, forward them to the same symbols and ordinals of System32\‹filename›.DLL, and return TRUE from their _DllMainCRTStartup() routine.
// Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:KERNEL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/DLL")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:‹symbol›=System32\\‹filename›.‹symbol›,@‹ordinal›,PRIVATE")
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:‹ordinal›=System32\\‹filename›.#‹ordinal›,@‹ordinal›,NONAME,PRIVATE")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

#define STRICT

#include <windows.h>

extern	const	IMAGE_DOS_HEADER	__ImageBase;

// see <>
// and <>

		                   DWORD     fdwReason,
		                   LPVOID    lpvReserved)
	// see <>
	// and <>
	// plus <>

	IMAGE_NT_HEADERS	*ntHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *) ((BYTE *) &__ImageBase + __ImageBase.e_lfanew);
	DWORD			dwRVA = ntHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress;
	LPCSTR			szModule = "<unknown>";

	if (dwRVA != 0)
		dwRVA = ((IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *) ((BYTE *) &__ImageBase + dwRVA))->Name;
		if (dwRVA != 0)
			szModule = (LPCSTR) ((BYTE *) &__ImageBase + dwRVA);

	// see <>


	return fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH;

Example 0

Download the executable installers 7z1602.exe and 7z1602-x64.exe, save them in the directory %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\ and execute them just until they display their first dialog box which prompts for the target directory.

EXAMPLE0.TXT shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of 7z1602.exe on Windows XP, where a bogus UXTheme.dll is loaded from the program’s application directory C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

EXAMPLE0.LOG shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of 7z1602-x64.exe on 64-bit Windows 7, where a bogus UXTheme.dll is loaded from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\.

Note: on Windows Vista® and newer versions of Windows NT, 7z1602.exe and 7z1602-x64.exe request administrative privileges via their embedded application manifest, resulting in an EoP in addition to the LCE!

Example 1

EXAMPLE1.TXT shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of the program
// Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:KERNEL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

#include <windows.h>

	HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary("C:\\Windows\\System32\\CryptUI.dll");

	if (hModule == NULL)

	if (!FreeLibrary(hModule))

on Windows XP, where a bogus RichEd20.dll is loaded as run-time dependency of CryptUI.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Caveat: no fix available!

Use Software Restriction Policies alias SAFER to disable execution in untrusted directories!

Example 2

EXAMPLE2.TXT shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of the program
// Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:KERNEL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

#include <windows.h>

	HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\WAB32.dll");

	if (hModule == NULL)

	if (!FreeLibrary(hModule))

on Windows XP, where a bogus MSOERT2.dll is loaded as load-time dependency of WAB32.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Note: to fix this weakness, call

LoadLibraryEx("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\WAB32.dll", NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
to load WAB32.dll!

Example 3

EXAMPLE3.TXT shows the output during execution of the 32-bit program from example 2 on 64-bit Windows 7, where bogus CryptDlg.dll, CryptUI.dll, MSOERT2.dll, UXTheme.dll, MSImg32.dll, Secur32.dll, Version.dll and MSFTEdit.dll are loaded from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\SysWoW64\.

EXAMPLE3.LOG shows the output during execution of the 64-bit program from example 2 on 64-bit Windows 7, where bogus CryptDlg.dll, CryptUI.dll, MSOERT2.dll, UXTheme.dll, MSImg32.dll, Secur32.dll, SSPICli.dll, Version.dll and MSFTEdit.dll are loaded from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Example 4

EXAMPLE4.TXT shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of the fixed 32-bit program
// Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:KERNEL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

#include <windows.h>

#ifdef _WIN64
	HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryEx("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\WAB32.dll",
	HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryEx("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\System\\WAB32.dll",
	                                NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);

	if (hModule == NULL)

	if (!FreeLibrary(hModule))

from example 2 on 64-bit Windows 7, where a bogus Version.dll is loaded as (indirect) load-time dependency and a bogus MSFTEdit.dll is loaded as runtime dependency of WAB32.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

EXAMPLE4.LOG shows the output during execution of the fixed 64-bit program from example 2 on 64-bit Windows 7, where bogus SSPICli.dll and Version.dll are loaded as (indirect) load-time dependencies and a bogus MSFTEdit.dll is loaded as runtime dependency of WAB32.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Note: to fix the first weakness, embed the Application Manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
    <file name="SSPICli.dll"
          loadFrom="%SystemRoot%\System32\SSPICli.dll" />
    <file name="Version.dll"
          loadFrom="%SystemRoot%\System32\Version.dll" />
in the program!
Caveat: the loadFrom attribute of the file element is not documented by Microsoft!

Note: to fix the second weakness, call

before any other Win32 function in your programs!
Caveat: the _DllMainCRTStartup() routines of load-time dependencies are called from Windows’ module loader before your program’s startup routine!
Caveat: on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the optional update 2533623, the security update MS12-081 alias 2758857, or one of its successors have to be installed to make the Win32 function SetDefaultDllDirectories() available!
Note: to enforce its presence, create a load-time dependency to SetDefaultDllDirectories()!

Example 5

EXAMPLE5.TXT shows the output from Windows’ command line debugger NTSD.exe during execution of the program
// Copyright © 2009-2025, Stefan Kanthak <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>

#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:KERNEL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:OLE32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/DEFAULTLIB:SHELL32.LIB")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

#define _WIN32_WINNT	0x0500

#include <windows.h>


	if (hr == S_OK)
		hr = ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, "..", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

on Windows XP, where bogus ClbCatQ.dll, COMRes.dll, RichEd20.dll and SetupAPI.dll are loaded as runtime dependencies of OLE32.dll and CryptUI.dll, and a bogus Shell32.dll is loaded as load-time dependency of ClbCatQ.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Caveat: no fix available!

Use Software Restriction Policies alias SAFER to disable execution in untrusted directories!

Example 6

EXAMPLE6.TXT shows the output during execution of the 32-bit program from example 5 on 64-bit Windows 7, where bogus PropSys.dll, AppHelp.dll, NTMARTA.dll, CryptSP.dll, RPCRTRemote.dll and SxS.dll are loaded as runtime dependencies of Shell32.dll, AdvAPI32.dll, OLE32.dll, RPCRT4.dll and OLEAut32.dll, and a bogus Version.dll is loaded as load-time dependency of IEFrame.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\SysWoW64\.

EXAMPLE6.LOG shows the output during execution of the 64-bit program from example 5 on 64-bit Windows 7, where bogus CryptBase.dll, PropSys.dll, AppHelp.dll, NTMARTA.dll, CryptSP.dll, RPCRTRemote.dll and SxS.dll are loaded as runtime dependencies of RPCRT4.dll, Shell32.dll, AdvAPI32.dll, OLE32.dll and OLEAut32.dll, and a bogus Version.dll is loaded as load-time dependency of IEFrame.dll from the program’s application directory C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\ instead Windows’ system directory C:\Windows\System32\.

Note: to fix the first weakness, call

before any other Win32 function in your programs!
Caveat: the _DllMainCRTStartup() routines of load-time dependencies are called from Windows’ module loader before your program’s startup routine!
Caveat: on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the optional update 2533623, the security update MS12-081 alias 2758857, or one of its successors have to be installed to make the Win32 function SetDefaultDllDirectories() available!
Note: to enforce its presence, create a load-time dependency to SetDefaultDllDirectories()!

Note: to fix the second weakness, embed the Application Manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
    <file name="Version.dll"
          loadFrom="%SystemRoot%\System32\Version.dll" />
in the program!
Caveat: the loadFrom attribute of the file element is not documented by Microsoft!

Background Information

Microsoft’s Application Verifier should detect unquoted pathnames containing spaces in calls to the Win32 functions CreateProcess*() according to the MSDN article Using Application Verifier Within Your Software Development Lifecycle:
Calls to the CreateProcess API function are subject to attack if parameters are not specified correctly. AppVerifier generates an error if CreateProcess (or other related API functions) are called with a NULL lpApplicationName parameter and an lpCommandLine parameter that contains spaces. For example, it does not allow the following as the command line parameter:
            c:\program files\sample.exe -t -g c:\program files\sample\test
Using this command line, an application can inadvertently execute unwanted code if a malicious user installs his program to C:\Program.
Unfortunately the MSDN article but tells a blatant lie: Application Verifier does not perform the check described there!
The sad truth is that Application Verifier performs no checks for all the (way too) common path handling errors referenced above!


Implement one or more of the following measures as mitigations:

Implementation and Build Details

VRFKNTHK.DLL is a pure native DLL, written in ANSI C, built with the Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 2010 SP1 from update 2519277, but without the MSVCRT libraries, for use on Windows XP and newer versions of Windows NT as well as Windows PE.

VRFKNTHK.DLL is available for the I386 alias x86, AMD64 alias x64 and IA64 processor architectures of Windows NT.

Authenticity and Integrity

VRFKNTHK.DLL and the cabinet file VRFKNTHK.CAB are digitally signed using an X.509 certificate issued by WEB.DE TrustCenter E-Mail Certification Authority.
Serial number of the certificate
0x0465CEF9 = 73780985
Fingerprint of the certificate
MD5: 33 33 6e 1d 26 18 a7 c2 be 87 11 68 05 2c 70 09
SHA-1: 8c 5b 75 21 40 41 77 ac 54 13 13 02 06 6b b0 69 10 2e 83 0e
Download and install the CA and root X.509 certificates of WEB.DE to validate and verify the digital signature.

Note: unfortunately WEB.DE abandoned their trust center in 2018 and removed all pages and download links in 2019; fortunately the Wayback Machine archived the TrustCenter page, the CA and the root certificate.

Note: due to its counter signature alias timestamp the digital signature remains valid past the X.509 certificates expiration date!


AMD64\VRFKNTHK.DLL, I386\VRFKNTHK.DLL, IA64\VRFKNTHK.DLL and the setup script VRFKNTHK.INF are packaged in the (compressed and digitally signed) cabinet file VRFKNTHK.CAB.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Extraction Tool - Version 5.1.2600.5512
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..


08-03-2018 10:40:06p A---        11,098 VRFKNTHK.INF
08-03-2018 10:41:42p A---        65,152 AMD64\VRFKNTHK.DLL
08-03-2018 10:41:34p A---        55,936 I386\VRFKNTHK.DLL
08-03-2018 10:41:48p A---       110,720 IA64\VRFKNTHK.DLL
                 4 Files        242,906 bytes

 Volume in drive X has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 1957-0427

 Directory of X:\

08/03/2018  10:42 PM            61,132 VRFKNTHK.CAB
               1 File(s)         61,132 bytes
               0 Dir(s)    9,876,543,210 bytes free


SHA1 hash of file: (not calculated)
Signing Certificate Chain:
    Issued to: WEB.DE TrustCenter
    Issued by: WEB.DE TrustCenter
    Expires:   30.08.2024 09:49:34
    SHA1 hash: C8301016951187E6320569B3ED54F34845B51638

        Issued to: WEB.DE TrustCenter E-Mail Certification Authority
        Issued by: WEB.DE TrustCenter
        Expires:   30.08.2024 09:50:51
        SHA1 hash: 8946380C6E370988FB587257A9F9A5CD323045F0

            Issued to: Stefan Kanthak
            Issued by: WEB.DE TrustCenter E-Mail Certification Authority
            Expires:   15.12.2018 02:16:19
            SHA1 hash: 8C5B7521404177AC54131302066BB069102E830E

The signature is timestamped: 03.08.2018 22:42:21
Timestamp Verified by:
    Issued to: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
    Expires:   01.01.2021 01:59:59
    SHA1 hash: BE36A4562FB2EE05DBB3D32323ADF445084ED656

        Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
        Issued by: Thawte Timestamping CA
        Expires:   31.12.2020 01:59:59
        SHA1 hash: 6C07453FFDDA08B83707C09B82FB3D15F35336B1

            Issued to: Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G4
            Issued by: Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G2
            Expires:   30.12.2020 01:59:59
            SHA1 hash: 65439929B67973EB192D6FF243E6767ADF0834E4

Successfully verified: VRFKNTHK.CAB

Number of files successfully Verified: 1
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 0

On Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows NT, run the following command line to extract all files into the specified directory, preserving their paths:
"%SystemRoot%\System32\Expand.exe" VRFKNTHK.CAB /F:* "‹target directory›"
Note: Expand.exe from prior versions of Windows NT ignores the paths and junks them; use Extract.exe from the Support Tools on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 instead!

Note: if you open VRFKNTHK.CAB with Windows Explorer, switch to Details view and turn on the Path column!


Installation requires administrative privileges and access rights.

Note: on systems with AMD64 alias x64 processor architecture, the installation must be run in the native (64-bit) execution environment to install VRFKNTHK.DLL for both processor architectures!

Automatic online installation

When visited with Internet Explorer, this web page will prompt to install (the contents of) the package using Internet Component Download.

Note: on systems with AMD64 alias x64 processor architecture, Internet Explorer (x64) must be used!

Manual offline installation

Download the package VRFKNTHK.CAB and verify its digital signature, then open it in Windows Explorer, extract its contents preserving the directory structure, right-click the extracted setup script VRFKNTHK.INF to display its context menu and click Install to run the installation.

Note: on Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows NT, InfDefaultInstall.exe, the application registered for the Install verb of *.inf files, requests administrative privileges.


The setup script supports the update from any previous version: just install the current version!


Deinstallation requires administrative privileges and access rights.

On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, open the Add/Remove Programs applet of the Control Panel, tick the checkbox Updates, select the entry Application Verifier Provider underneath Systemkonfiguration and click the Remove button.

On Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows NT, open the Control Panel and click the entry View installed updates underneath the Programs and Features or Programs category.
In Installed Updates select the entry Application Verifier Provider underneath Systemkonfiguration and click the Uninstall menu entry.

Contact and Feedback

If you miss anything here, have additions, comments, corrections, criticism or questions, want to give feedback, hints or tipps, report broken links, bugs, deficiencies, errors, inaccuracies, misrepresentations, omissions, shortcomings, vulnerabilities or weaknesses, …: don’t hesitate to contact me and feel free to ask, comment, criticise, flame, notify or report!

Use the X.509 certificate to send S/MIME encrypted mail.

Note: email in weird format and without a proper sender name is likely to be discarded!

I dislike HTML (and even weirder formats too) in email, I prefer to receive plain text.
I also expect to see your full (real) name as sender, not your nickname.
I abhor top posts and expect inline quotes in replies.

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By using this site, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not use this site!

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This web page records no (personal) data and stores no cookies in the web browser.

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D-64306 Darmstadt
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Copyright © 1995–2025 • Stefan Kanthak • <‍stefan‍.‍kanthak‍@‍nexgo‍.‍de‍>